Presentation of the Indian Ocean Delegation

The Ifremer Indian Ocean Delegation (DOI) is based in the Port of Reunion Island but its area of competence covers the entire Indian Ocean and more particularly the economic and exclusive zones (EEZ) and coastal zones of the French State.

It is made up of a team of about ten people whose areas of expertise are mainly focused on Fisheries and Environment, including Marine Biodiversity.

Its activities aim to contribute to the sustainable management of maritime areas and their natural heritage while allowing the sustainable development of activities or uses that depend on them.


  • Acquire data and knowledge on the marine environment and contribute to the development of observation and monitoring activities,
    • on Resources,
    • on the Biology of marine species (exploited, untapped or threatened),
    • on the functioning of ecosystems and their main environmental characteristics (population dynamics and connectivity, habitat mapping, etc.),
  • Manage and synthesize this data and knowledge
    • in order to make them available through tools such as:
      •  information systems,
      • modelling tools,
      • syntheses,...
    •  and by carrying out actions aimed at their
      • development and/or provision according to the principles of standardization, sharing and security,
      • maintenance in operational conditions,
      • administration,
  • Develop opinions, expertise, or decision-making aids.

Research axes and flagship projects

R&D projects in past and future years focus mainly on:

  •  population dynamics and connectivity
    •  large pelagic species (FLOPPED, GERMON, IOSSS Swordfish,)
    • coastal resources (IPERDMX, DMX II, EPICURE, PECHTRAD)
    •  marine megafauna (turtles)
  •  benthic habitat mapping (SPECTRHABENT-OI, HYSCORES,...)
  • the development of new generation brand systems and their deployment (e.g. POPSTAR, TURTLE TAG, pIOT, IOT, IOCT)
  •  the development and deployment of banking tools (e.g.: Indian Ocean Pilot Reef Data Base).

Technical means

To fulfil these missions, the DOI can rely on its own resources, in particular its genetic laboratory and its imaging laboratory for otoliths, but also on all those of the Institute.