Acoustic tracking test - December 2021
In the framework of Pierre Gogendeau's PhD research associated with the IOT project (see newsletter n°2 "the IOT team expands"), Ifremer carried out an acoustic tracking test in mid-December 2021 using the ASV (Autonomous Surface Vehicle) board.
The system used is an SBL (short base line), which requires four acoustic receivers mounted under the autonomous board and an acoustic transmitter fixed to the shell of a turtle. This test in a natural environment made it possible to track a sea turtle for a few hours by recording precise data on its trajectory in real time and autonomously.
These data will be used as a reference to develop and train trajectory reconstruction algorithms which are being developed as part of the work of this PhD thesis.
In addition, these trajectories can be linked to other information transmitted by the other sensors present in the tag and thus provide information on the animal's behaviour.